Nila Vázquez has a BA in Primary Education with Modern Foreign Languages (1993) from the University of Vigo and an MA in English Language and Literature (1995) from the University of Santiago de Compostela; in April 2006 she received her PhD from the University of Santiago de
Compostela, which was honored with the Extraordinary Award. From October 1997 to January 2000 Nila carried out research at the University of Santiago de Compostela, on a grant from the Autonomous Government of Galicia, and between February 2000 and November 2002 she worked as a Lecturer in English at the University of Alcalá de Henares. In December 2002 she moved to the Department of English of the University of Murcia, where she obtained a position as tenured Senior Lecturer in September 2010.
Nila serves as one of the Assistant Editors of the scholarly journal Revista de Lenguas para Fines Específicos, and is a member of the Executive Boards
of ESTS (European Society for Textual Scholarship) and AELINCO (Spanish Association for Corpus Linguistics); between 2009-2011 she convened the Sociolinguistics and Dialectology panel at the annual conferences of AEDEAN, the Spanish Association for English and American Studies. She teaches Middle English (undergraduate, 4th year) and was actively involved in the Canterbury Tales Project, funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Board, UK, and in the compilation of the Salamanca Corpus of English Dialect Texts. Her main areas of specialization are Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, corpus linguistics, and the application of new technologies to textual and electronic editing.
Contact information:
Department of English
Facultad de Letras
Universidad de Murcia
Campus Universitario de La Merced
Santo Cristo, 1
E-30001 Murcia, SPAIN
E-mail: nilavg@um.es
Phone: +34 868884850
PhD Dissertation (April 2006; Extraordinary Award): ‘The Tale of Gamelyn’ of the Canterbury Tales: A new critical edition. Supervisor: María José López-Couso. Examiners: Professors Juan Camilo Conde-Silvestre (University of Murcia), Isabel de la Cruz (University of Alcalá de Henares), Teresa Fanego (University of Santiago de Compostela), Santiago González Fernández-Corugedo (University of Oviedo), and Peter Robinson (University of Birmingham).
(2015). "Legitimising linguistic devices in A cheering voice from Upper Canada (1834)". In Transatlantic perspectives on Late Modern English, ed. by Marina Dossena. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 135-151 [Second author, with Francisco Alonso Almeida].
(2012), edition and introductory chapter. Creation and use of historical English corpora in Spain. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN (10): 1-4438-4251-6.
(2012). "Subject specific vocabulary in astronomy texts: A diachronic survey of the Corpus of English Texts on Astronomy". In Astronomy 'playne and simple': The writing of science between 1700 and 1900, ed. by Isabel Moskowich & Begoña Crespo. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 123-153 [Second author, with Pascual Cantos].
(2012). “Editing the medieval manuscript in its social context”. In The handbook of historical sociolinguistics, ed. by Juan Manuel Hernández-Campoy & Juan Camilo Conde-Silvestre. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 123-139 [First author, with Teresa Marqués-Aguado].
"A diachronic approach to scientific register in English: Evidence from Late Modern English corpora". Revista de Lenguas para Fines Específicos 17: 253-294 [joint chapter with Pascual Cantos].
"A descriptive approach to the historical English corpora in the 21st century". International Journal of English Studies 11.2: 113-134 [joint article with Laura Esteban-Segura & Teresa Marqués-Aguado].
(2010). "‘Modal verbs in early Modern English recipes". In A mosaic of corpus linguistics. Selected approaches, ed. by Aquilino Sánchez & Moisés Almela. (Studien zur romanischen Sprachwissenschaft und interkulturellen Kommunikation,
66). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 237-247 [joint chapter with Francisco Alonso Almeida].
ISBN 978-3-631-58789-8.
(2010). "Scribal intrusion in the texts of Gamelyn". Studia Anglica Posnaniensia 46: 3-20.
(2010). "Drawbacks in the process of editing a non-canonical Chaucerian text: The case of 'Yonge Gamelyne' of the Canterbury Tales". VARIANTS. Journal of the European Society for Textual Scholarship 7: 119-138.
(2009). The Tale of Gamelyn of the Canterbury Tales: An annotated edition. Lampeter, Wales: The Edwin Mellen Press Ltd. ISBN 0773438521. 484 pp. Reviewed by Jordi Sánchez-Martí in Miscelánea. A Journal of English and American Studies 42 (2010): 179-183.
(2009). "Modality and stance in the Modern English section of the Corpus of Early English Recipes". In A survey on corpus-based research / Panorama de investigaciones basadas en corpus, ed. by Pascual Cantos Gómez & Aquilino Sánchez. Murcia: EDITUM, 1171-1179 [with Francisco Alonso Almeida].
(2008). "Non-finality effects in Middle English stress: Regularisation or emerging grammar?" In Proceedings of the 31st AEDEAN International Conference, ed. by María Jesús Lorenzo Modia. La Coruña: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de La Coruña, pp. 911-922 [first author, jointly with Juan Antonio Cutillas-Espinosa & Juan Manuel Hernández-Campoy].
(2008). Review of Clive Griffin, Journeymen-printers, heresy, and the Inquisition in sixteeth-century Spain. In Journal of the Early Book Society for the Study of Manuscripts and Printing History, ed. by Martha W. Driver. New York: Pace University Press. Vol. 11: 245-246.
(2008). Review of Marta V. Vicente & Luis R. Corteguera, eds. Women, texts and authority in the Early Modern Spanish World. In Journal of the Early Book Society for the Study of Manuscripts and Printing History, ed. by Martha W. Driver. New York: Pace University Press. Vol. 11: 273-274.
(2006). The Tale of Gamelyn: A new critical edition. Santiago de Compostela: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. ISBN 8497507223. [CD-ROM]
(2005), ed. Editing Middle English in the 21st century: Old texts, new approaches. Special issue of IJES (International Journal of English Studies). Murcia: Universidad de Murcia [with Juan Camilo Conde Silvestre].
(2005). "The need for 're-editing' Gamelyn". In Editing Middle English in the 21st century: Old texts, new approaches, ed. by Nila Vázquez-González & Juan Camilo Conde Silvestre, pp. 161-173.
(2005). "New approaches in textual editing: Electronic editions under analysis". In Editing Middle English in the 21st century: Old texts, new approaches, ed. by Nila Vázquez-González & Juan Camilo Conde Silvestre, pp. 193-208 [with Isabel de la Cruz].
(2004), ed. Medieval English literary and cultural studies. SELIM XV. Murcia: Universidad de Murcia
[with Juan Camilo Conde Silvestre].
(2003). "Introducing the History of the English Language in non-specialised English language programmes". In Proceedings of the 23rd International AEDEAN Conference, León, 16-18 December 1999, ed. by José Luis Chamosa. León: Universidad de León.
(2003). "'Elementos iconográficos en los manuscritos de los Cuentos de Canterbury". Babel A.F.I.A.L.12: 189-200.
(2002). “Teaching English for tourism. Students’ expectations and actual fulfilment”. Interlingüística 13: 233-245 [with Carmen Pena & Dolores Porto].
(1999). "Geoffrey Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales: A preliminary approach to its audience, reception and textual history’. In Woonderous Ænglissce. SELIM studies in medieval English language, ed. by Ana Bringas López, Dolores González Álvarez, Javier Pérez-Guerra, Esperanza Rama Martínez & Eduardo Varela Bravo. Vigo: Universidade de Vigo, pp. 173-183.
(1998). “Herramientas informáticas de aplicación lingüística”. Interlingüística 7: 223-228 [with Susana Docío].
(1997). "Inflection and derivation: Two separate processes or part of the same continuum?" In Proceedings of the 20th International AEDEAN Conference, ed. by Pedro Guardia Massó & John Stone. Barcelona: Universitat de Barcelona, pp. 256-263.
conference presentations:
See the entry Presentations on this website.